Stage 1: The Crown
From observing my images taken during a single water drop, I identified seven stages of the sequence. This post is the first in a series of five blog posts describing the process:
Water Drop Photography Sequence: Stage 1/7
1. The Crown – The first splash that looks like a crown or bowl, and can have far-reaching tentacles
2. The Vortex – The black hole produced by the plunging drop that pushes the water down
3. The Pinnacle – The tall, bumpy tower that springs back up from the vortex as a rebound from the falling drop
4. The HooDoo – The drop that forms and balances on the tip of the pinnacle
5. The Sphere – The drop that separates from the pinnacle and floats in mid air
6. The Coil – The tight rings that form in the center of the ripples, just before the drop falls back down
7. The Bubble – The final drop sinks, then floats up to form one final bubble on the surface
I will be posting images over the next few days from each of these stages. This blog post is all about “capturing the crown.”
The “crown” is the first stage of the splash sequence that occurs when you release a drop of water into a dish or pan of water. Each one is unique and beautiful. Since water reflects its environment, these crowns are showing the colored paper I was bouncing the flash onto. I combined several colors to get these effects. Further, I added some milk into a few shots, so you can see the crown cavity is white. I just love it when you can see the reflection of the crown below the burst. Of course, your camera angle is important to capture the reflection. See my previous post for my Water Drop Photography Tutorial: https://www.carynesplin.com/7-amazing-tips-for-shooting-water-drops/
Check out the video at the bottom of this post to see a water drop in slow motion. I will be posting more water drop images from the subsequent stages every few days.
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The Orange Crown with Tentacles - Water Drop Photography - Caryn Esplin

The Blue Bowl Crown - Water Drop Photography - Caryn Esplin

The Big Magenta Crown Splash - Water Drop Photography - Caryn Esplin

The Crown of Milk - Water Drop Photography - Caryn Esplin

Magestic Magenta Crown Reflection - Water Drop Photography - Caryn Esplin

Red Rim Crown - Water Drop Photography - Caryn Esplin
Watch this YouTube video to see the process of a water drop in slow motion. Stage 1, The Majestic Crown. Stay tuned for more water drop images in the next few posts.
NOTE: If you would like an email notification when I add a new blog post, you may SUBSCRIBE at the top right of my blog page..
Also, see my Water Drop Photography Tutorial here: https://www.carynesplin.com/7-amazing-tips-for-shooting-water-drops/