I am trying to pick my top cherry blossom photos to enter into the annual Cherry Blossom Photo Contest. They charge $13 for each entry, so I need to be selective. Will you help me select the top 3?  Please leave me a comment and tell me which are your favorites?  The two categories are: Landscape/Nature and People. Thank you!

Cherry Blossom Star Abstract - Water Drop - Washington D.C. - Caryn Esplin

1. Cherry Blossom: Star Abstract

Cherry Blossom Festival Reflection - Washington D.C. - Water Drop - Caryn Esplin

2. Cherry Blossom: Festival Reflection

Cherry Blossom Finale - Water Drop - Washington D.C. - Caryn Esplin

3. Cherry Blossom: Finale

Twin Drops - Cherry Blossoms - Washington D.C - Caryn Esplin

4. Cherry Blossom: Clear Drops

Cherry Blossom Palette - Washington D.C. - Water Drop - Caryn Esplin

5. Cherry Blossom: Artist Palette

Cherry Tree Reflection - Water Drop - Washington D.C. - Caryn Esplin

6. Cherry Blossom: Tree Reflection

Cherry Blossom  - Bird's Eye View - Washington D.C. - Water Drop - Caryn Esplin

7. Cherry Blossom: Bird's Eye View

Last Petal - Cherry Blossom - Water Drop - Washington D.C. - Caryn Esplin

8. Cherry Blossom: Last Petal

Cherry Blossom - Drop Finale - Washington D.C. - Caryn Esplin

9. Cherry Blossom: Drop Finale

Cherry Blossom Tree - From underneath - Washington D.C. - Caryn Esplin

10. Cherry Blossom: View from a nap

Cherry Blossom Branches - Jefferson Memorial - Washington D.C. - Tidal Basin - Caryn Esplin

11. Cherry Blossom: Jefferson Branches

Cherry Blossom - Jefferson Memorial - Reflection - Washington D.C. Tidal Basin - Caryn Esplin

12. Cherry Blossom: Jefferson Sunrise

Cherry Blossoms - Tidal Basin - Sunrise Pink - Washington D.C. - Festival - Caryn Esplin

13. Cherry Blossoms: Sunrise Pink

Washington D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival - 100 year anniversary - Caryn Esplin

14. Cherry Blossoms: Raining Pink

Cherry Blossoms - Artist in the Park - Washington D.C. - Caryn Esplin

15. Cherry Blossoms: Art in the Park