Something significant happened to my world of photography on September 21, 2012. My new iphone 5 arrived and it has changed the way I document my life. The convenience, portability and quality are mind-blowing! I take a lot more photos of everyday life and post them on Instagram as a way of visual journaling. But it’s the amazing iphone 5 panoramic feature in its 28-megapixel glory that really melts my butter. Of course, there are limitations and it will never replace a DSLR, but I definitely think this new change is worthy of a few blog posts. So, in this one, I am showing my top 12 iphone panoramics of 2012. Of course I only had the iphone for a little over three months. I did some slights edits in camera raw, once I downloaded these on my iMac. Here they are…
Feel free to click on an image to see it larger to check out the iphone quality in more detail…

Comm 316 students at Old Faithful – Notice the two girls (Zoe and Karli) who show up twice in this pano! They started on the left, then as I panned the scene, they ran over to get in the right of the frame too. Fun stuff 🙂
I really love how all of these turned out! I love the colors, they definitely attract my attention. I especially love the 2 winter weather ones. The creativity behind them and not that many people are willing to take pictures in the cold weather. I too love this new iPhone panoramic feature.
Thanks, AJ. There are so many opportunities to show an interesting panoramic view of whatever surrounds us. It opens a lot of new photo opps for sure. Thanks for the comment.
Wow, Caryn! Those are really great! I like the second and fourth ones the best. And by the way – I’m glad you have an iPhone. Way to finally get both feet wet in the Apple Ecosystem! 🙂
You have been the one to convince me to get completely wet in the Apple pool and I love it. One computer is not enough. At Christmastime, we counted 16 Apple devices in our home at the same time, when my daughter and her husband were here with their iphones and ipads to add to our devices. We were going to lean them all up against and around my iMac and take a photo.. be we forgot! Thanks for helping me manage everything Apple. Your advice is very helpful 🙂
Those are absolutely breathtaking. Can’t believe they’re from your phone! Talk about simplifying the pano process!
Thanks for the comment, Sarah! I know, right? The iPhone 5 pano feature just kills me it is so cool. It kind of makes it hard to do it the long way!