The Movie Poster project is a favorite in Comm 316 at BYU-Idaho

I always look forward to see how my students will portray themselves through a movie poster in my Comm 316 Professional Imaging course. Each student selects a real or fictitious movie to showcase their life and style. The following students are being featured for their creative and well executed designs. I was impressed with the quality lighting and image editing techniques of all my students’ work. Who wouldn’t want to hire any one of them?  Be sure to click on the link below each project to visit the student’s blog post on their website.

Congratulations to Sarah Rodebush, Emily Froelich, Ben Fagersten, Emma Simkins, Emily Birkmeyer


BYU-I Comm 316 - Movie Poster Project

SARAH RODEBUSH: (Above) CLICK HERE to see student blog post

EMILY FROELICH: (Above) CLICK HERE to see student blog post

BEN FAGERSTEN: (Above) CLICK HERE to see student blog post

BYU-I Comm 316 - Movie Poster ProjectEMMA SIMKINS: (Above) CLICK HERE to see student blog post

BYU-I Comm 316 - Movie Poster ProjectEMILY BIRKMEYER: (Above) CLICK HERE to see student blog post