Incredible smart phone photography!

Smart phones are always with us and the images we can capture with them are simply amazing! I hope you enjoy the following images I captured with my iPhone 11 Pro Max and polished them with the incredible free phone application, Snapseed.

POINT OF VIEW: The images below show an ordinary scene, then a closer part of that same scene more with a more unique Point of View…

This set of images below show a normal phone portrait, compared with the same subject captured with the Portrait (Depth) mode that blurs the background to provide a shallow depth of field

LENS COMPRESSION: Notice how the background changes below when you “pinch and zoom.” This is called lens compression and it works on the same on a smart phone as it does on a DSLR camera…

The overhead type of photography below is a popular way to capture product photography and show an interesting theme. It takes some thought to leave a space for meme, quote or message…

By using the pano feature on my iPhone I was able to capture a very wide angle scene of the Mormon Row barn in the Grand Teton National Park, and the magestic Panther Creek Falls. A pano image is a huge 16mb file, which makes it possible to print in high resolution. Phone photography is amazing!