Last night I tried a new technique for shooting food with a little more artistic approach. So let’s try this for our Mystery Photo this weekend. Leave a comment on this blog post with your best guess about my 1. Setup – 2. Shooting – and 3. Processing workflow. In other words, how do you think I lit these Caramel Pretzel Logs, how did I shoot them and what post-production edits did I employ? You won’t need to guess my camera settings… they were ISO 200; f/6.4; 1/4, on a tripod, of course.
The closest guess will be entered into my Christmastime drawing for camera gear, but everyone who leaves a comment will receive a RECIPE TO MAKE THESE DELICIOUS CARAMEL PRETZEL LOGS (if you subscribe and leave me your email). These little darlings will make a nice holiday treat for your friends, family and neighbors. Making these during the holidays has become a family tradition for us. So for all those foodies out there, this one is for you! Have a great weekend.
I used a tripod to take three different exposures with Auto-Bracketing. Then I processed the images in Photomatix to blend the exposures and add tonemapping for an illustrated, artistic appearance. My lighting was two off-camera LED continuous lights on the sides of a lightbox. (Click here about these amazing lights and lightbox for only about $30 each).
A.J. Buruca was the winner with his guess, so now I will add his name to my drawing for the Christmas gear giveaway coming up in December. Stay tuned next weekend for another chance to get your name in my drawing! If you subscribe to my blog (see link in right corner of this page) then you will get an email when I do a blog post.
Thanks for reading my blog. If you left a comment… Here is a link to my Caramel Pretzel Log Recipe… If you did not make a comment I invite you to subscribe to my blog and leave a comment sometime this week, then you may also enjoy my recipe. 😉 I hope you have fun with it this holiday season… Enjoy!

Three Original Exposures +2 0 -2 were captured, then blended into an HDR (High Dynamic Range) Image, with tonemapping for illustrative effect.

I used a lighting setup just like this, where I shooting one of my other favorite holiday recipes: Pomegranate Avocado Salsa!
Ok I don’t know about the process but YUM I want one or two or three!!!
Rebecca, I can attest that Caryn’s Carmel logs are a feast for your taste buds and your eyes. Caryn, I think you may have used your big spotlight with the yellow handle that looks like a drill. lol And you set your tripod just above the plate level. Regardless, thanks for being so generous with your foto and food expertise!
Thanks for commenting on my blog! Here is the recipe for my caramel pretzel logs:
Thanks for commenting Rebecca! Here is the recipe for my caramel pretzel logs:
For the camera lighting settings, I think you used the continuous LED Lights with the help of an HDR effect. Did you use Photomatix or Photoshop HDR?
AJ, you are the winner this week, so I will enter your name in my Christmas Gear Drawing!. Thanks for commenting. 🙂 Here is the recipe for my caramel pretzel logs:
Oh, btw, I used Photomatix. Thanks again for your accurate guess and for watching my posts!
I have no idea on how you shot it….but GOD your making me hungry..I need the recipe. You always take the best pictures.
Thanks for commenting on my blog, Karen! Here is the recipe for my caramel pretzel logs:
I hope to hear from you again. How did you find my blog?
Check the post now. I have revealed the answer to my setup, shooting and processing for this shot.. Plus I have added the recipe, and some more caramel pretzel log images and some shots of my setup. Thanks for participating! I hope to hear from you again next weekend. You will get an email when I do my blog posts, if you subscribe in the top right corner of my blog page. Have a great week!
Hey thanks for the recipe. I will try it out
Just posted your recipe to my Holiday page on Pinterest, if that’s okay with you. Getting ready to do them again this year. 🙂
Of course it is fine to share this! It is great to hear from you. How did you find the recipe? Did you use the search bar on my website? Have fun making them again. 🙂 Stop by again… thanks for the comment
So Cute.