Right in the middle of the Inle Lake, we cruised by this mini temple with a statue of a monk looking / praying to the East. It made a nice sunset silhouette.

1. Expose for the sky to expose it well so your subject is very dark.
2. Use Manual mode with an aperture (f-stop) for 8.0 or higher. This will give you a deeper depth of field to get more in focus. And it will also help reduce the chromatic aberration that comes with shooting into the sun.
3. Increase your shutter speed to 1/250 or higher to avoid blurred movement. (wind, boat moving, subject moving) …
4. Focus on your subject
5. Position the subject right in front of the sun, or so the sun is right on the edge of your subject for sun flare (then try f16 for best sun flare)
6. Adjust your ISO until you get a beautiful exposure with crisp silhouette and bright, colorful background.

Caryn-Esplin_myanmar-Water Shrine - Inle Lake-silhouette-sunset Caryn-Esplin_myanmar-Water Shrine - Inle Lake-silhouette-sunset Caryn-Esplin_myanmar-Water Shrine - Inle Lake-silhouette-sunset Caryn-Esplin_myanmar-Water Shrine - Inle Lake-silhouette-sunset