This is a composite of two different images. One has only the colored light inside; The other was a light painting to reveal the outside of the house. To get the stars to show on the second image, I used a high 6400 ISO.

The sun was just at the at perfect point in its final, colorful descent. With a tripod I shots three different exposures (1, -2, +2) then I merged these images with Photomatix HDR and finally, I added a few adjustments in Camera Raw. and HDR
This old barn in Squirrel, Idaho, was sitting all alone in this beautiful field. The colors in this soft pastel-like sunset added a party-lights glow to the background. I came back a few hours later and captured a few light paintings of the same old house. My two TAs went inside the old house and lit it up with two large spotlights. Then I lit the outside with another spotlight. Finally, I merged the two images in Photoshop.