Amazing Portable Lighting Kit
Rogue FlashBender Large Positionable Reflector & Large Diffusion Panel
Combined Value is $59.90
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Rogue Large FlashBender
AdaptableĀ ā¢Ā Attaches QuicklyĀ ā¢Ā DurableĀ ā¢Ā Packs FlatĀ ā¢Ā Positionable Reflector ā¢Ā Softens Light
To meet the changing needs of location photographers, the Rogue FlashBender Large Reflector can be shaped into a variety of positions, including reflector, flag, or snoot.
The Large Reflector is perfect for off-camera use. The patented design incorporates 3 positionable rods that allow the Large Reflector to be molded into position and held in place. Rogue FlashBenders are designed to work with nearly all makes and models of camera flash. Rogue FlashBenders attach to your flash using the integrated adjustable tension strap, and therefore DO NOT require any adhesives, or separate attachment straps.
When you add the innovative Diffusion Panel (shown below), you get a portable softbox that produces a beautiful even light… and it all packs flat in your backpack or briefcase!
Size – approximately 10ā x 11āĀ Ā //Ā Weighs only 7.5oz
With this portable lighting kit, you won’t have to haul around those large, heavy lighting kits. And no more accidents when the wind catches your large umbrella or softbox and sends your flash crashing down. You can get an adapter to attach this to your tripod. Just get an extra quick-release plate for your flash. Then you can even leave your lightstand at home.
This is the ultimate portable reflector and softbox for on-location photography and traveling
Hi! Love your new Facebook page. If I win the Rogue large flashbender and diffuser kit I will buy a flash so I can use it! Actually, I would love to try to use it with some macro shots using extension tubes. I would also like to use it for portraits!
You are the first to leave a comment, like my new Facebook page and sign up for email notifications. That puts you in first place right now! I like your answer, and that will also play a part in the final decision, as well as the last two items on the list #4 and #5. I am trying to get more vendors to donate prizes for student contests, and one thing they want me to do is host these blog testimonials about their products. Rogue is donating this prize and they also donated the prize for the Bannack Shootout. So hopefully, I will be doing more of this! The key is though, I need to show that I can get lots of people leaving comments and sharing “liking” my pages, etc. Thanks for being the first on my very first giveaway contest!
First i want to say that i love the the table top light painting article. I posted it to my facebook page so that my photography friends could have access to it.
If i win the Rogue Flashbender & Diffuser Kit, I would take it with me all the time. It will be in my bag at all times. Also i will be wanting to try some amazing lighting for portrait and modeling shoots. i will be bothering all the women i know to try it out with.
Hi Ansel, Is that your name? If so, you must take after the famous photographer, Ansel Adams, right? You could make good use of this great piece of gear. I love that you would keep it with you at all times so you can photography all the women you know! Thanks for entering the contest.
My name is close to the spelling of the great Ansel Adams. I’m just Anselm.
Wow, this is sweet! i could totally use this!!!
This is absolutely incredible!
Great deal!
Wow! this looks amazing! I am a photojournalist and I think this would help me take great photos on the spot instead of carrying my big, bulky equipment. I’m also developing my portrait photography skills and I would love to work with this product
Sometime I need to hear your story! You are so talented and I hope to see you in Digital Imaging!
This product looks really cool, especially as i’m do nature shots on hikes it will be very convenient to carry with my gear and not be inconvenient at all.
What a great free gift! Its a steal!
I recently just bought the cannon rebel t3i and I am excited to go on my first photography journey. I have learned over the past few months that photography is a very powerful tool and something like this would help get the light out of certain photos. I am excited to learn more about photography and the endless possibilities that are around.
I am so excited you bought the T3i. What a great deal on an awesome camera! I hope to see you using it in the Digital Imaging class. Thanks for the comment and good luck in the contest/drawing!
I really enjoy your classes, I have learned so much! I appreciate all the opportunities you make available to your students. You really care about each of us and have our best interest at heart. Thank you for all you do!
Thanks, Jules. You are a sweetheart and THANK YOU for making my life more manageable. š
I would love to enter into your contests and see what kind of cool stuff I might win!
I work for a national dance magazine. We are a pretty small operation so while we have some writers and a designer, I often have to help with copy editing, writing, designing, and photography. It would be great to have something like this to take on the road to ballroom competitions around the country. Ballroom is a very visual sport and high quality photos are essential to producing a high demand magazine, this would be one more tool that could help that.
Wow, this is cool! I thought you looked very interested in the photo gear I was showing in class. What a great experience to work for a national dance magazine. I want to hear more!
The magazine I work for is American Dancer . I have been working for them for a little over a year now. I started out writing one story about a dance cruise that was coming up. Then the production director got married, moved across the country, and quit, so I got the job. There is so much to learn, but I feel like I’m doing a decent job of keeping up. Pictures are huge though. We have a Nikon D300s with a AF-S NIKKOR 18-200mm lens that we use for dance competitions. It works pretty well, but sometimes it’s difficult to get really great shots in the ballrooms or of the couples. We leave at the end of this month to cover the USA Dance National DanceSport Championships in Baltimore. If you would like to check out the magazine you can visit
This is so cool! I checked out the website. It looks a big job, and I’ll bet you have to use high ISO to get shots of them dancing without flash. Or will they let you use flash? Have you ever taken photography courses? Are you considering Comm 370 Digital Imaging? The new number will be Comm 300 Digital Imaging this fall. It will be the prereq for a new course called Comm 316 Professional Imaging. These courses are a blast and you learn a ton!
I am very interested in taking a photography class, but I am approaching my credit limit, is there any way I could do the class for no credit and just come learn the information? My photography experience is basically family photos and the few dance competitions for the magazine. I would welcome any opportunity to learn some more about photography.
Hello! I have been interested in Photography for years, first by watching my artist father use photography to capture a scene/subject for his watercolors. I have had the unique experience of photo shoot photography for product art specifically for floral event work and product development and use for a company that develops lighting and other products for floral design use. I learned really quickly what the eye sees the camera sees differently and I have had to learn to design for the camera…not an easy task! I have taken photos for future floral design, event and artistry portfolio but what I produce and what is in my mind’s eye is different! I have learned that lighting makes it or breaks it!I would love to be able to produce the photos and the portfolio that I know is a creation in hibernation–wanting to wake up and get out.
Thanks for the thoughtful comment! You are doing great in Comm 130. It was great to hear about your father. My sister was a professional watercolor artist and she always loved to take photos to paint from. She would set up a slide projector to see better light. She always preferred slides to prints when she was painting from her images. Of course, painting on location was awesome for her, but not always feasible. I loved to go out shooting from her. I learned so much from her about light, negative space and many things. We will have to talk some time!
Nice idea for a giveaway.
If I were to win I would use it to really focus on improving my portrait skills. This would allow me to advance my skills using lighting and other elements that I don’t currently know much about. It looks really cool!
I would use it for free lance photography work.
My brother-in-law is crazy about taking pictures. I would give it to him for his birthday.
If I was to win this kit I too would buy a flash to use it with and I would definitely use it to take portraits. I’m new to photography but I’ve learned that lighting is so important so I would use this to help me get my lighting correct and to get good portraits. It looks very cool and I can see how it would be very helpful.
If I win this flash bender, I would take it on my honeymoon vacation to Jamaica and take pictures of the diverse people on the island! very handy
Ooh… LUCKY. I wish I was going to Jamaica! Congrats on the engagement and good luck in the contest / drawing!
I would love to win this combo to take pictures of my brand new grandson.
I’d love to win this flashbender for my portrait and wedding photography business! And I’ll have to buy myself a flash to go with it
Hey Sister Esplin! Your page is wonderful! Way to get yourself out there even more! Good luck! If I were to win the Rogue light and diffuser kit, I would use it to take my photography to the next level! I could finally get professional portable light, and be able to make my work much higher quality. I want to be able to start making money on my photos, and thus be able to provide for my wife and son. I want to provide for them, and make them proud. Thank you for the chance to do this.
This is an amazing little product! I love that it is portable and small but has such great results. If I won this I would use it to do portraits. I have a lot of friends getting married right now and it would be perfect to do their pictures with. I also love to travel all over the world and it would be challenging to bring large equipment. I would much rather take this portable one with me!
All of the examples I’ve seen using the flash bender are incredible. Recently, I’ve really taken a liking to portrait photography, and adding the flash bender to my tool kit would really make me far more versatile. It’s so compact and convenient that there’s no excuse to not take it with you everywhere! It would be a thrill to have one.
Well written comment. Your writing skills will help to serve you well in your awesome internship with Apple this summer! You are so talented. Thanks for entering the drawing. š
I am just beginning my career as a photographer and I still don’t have a lot of tools. I want to improve the quality of lighting in my shots and this looks like a great tool to do that. I want to start doing portraiture and this wonderful tool would help a great deal.
I shared this on Facebook, thanks for all you do to find such great deals.
This is so awesome. This would be perfect for my portrait shots which have always been my favorites. I already won a flash last semester so this would go with it. With the new portrait lens, my flash and this I’d have some good portraits for my portfolio.
This product is great! It looks flexible and easy to use. I like your blog and all your creativity too!
I love using the Flash bender! It has come extremely handy when taking macro shots to food photography! It’s just simply perfect for so many situations! Do what you can to win this flash bender because you won’t go back!
I love taking portraits! Anything that can help make them better would be awesome for me to have, and if it’s free it’s even better! I’ve seen this product demonstrated and it looks like it would be an awesome thing to have!
This is so awesome! I saw this in action and I rally like it. what a great invention.
HI! I love your work! This is awesome and I have learned so much about the different camera equipment that it out there! Thank you!
If I win the Rogue Flashbender and Diffuser Kit, I would totally use it to do more macro shots. I love being able to make the small, overlooked things in the world larger than life. It’ll be way easier to do with this kit! The ability to focus and diffuse light from a flash would make for perfect lighting for the little things in life.
I would love to try this out for portraits of my nieces and nephews.
The flash bender would be awesome for getting more light on some of macro shots. Also it would be great as an alternative to hauling around umbrellas and stands.
I plan on getting a flash for my new Canon t3i and this flashbender diffuser kit would be awesome for some macro shots. I would also definitely use it for some nice outside portraits where I could easily carry it with me.
I love the Rogue flashbender and diffuser. I think it one of the best inventions for photography because it’s so operator friendly. It can easily be stored in a bag and taken with you no matter where you go. I’m going to purchase the Yongnuo YN-560 Speedlight Flash for my Nikon. I WANT the Rogue flashbender and diffuser because I’m getting into baby & child photography. The Rogue flashbender and diffuser would work perfectly for this type of photography because there aren’t any cords, heavy equipment, and I can easily take my flash and rogue set-up everywhere I go without going through all the trouble of setting up and taking down. It would be so easy to put the flash and rogue set-up in my bag and take off. This would be a great way to get my foot in the door to baby and child photography.
Thanks everyone, for your comments and for entering the contest! Good luck to everyone. Please pass on or share your favorite blog posts to introduce your friends on Facebook to my blog and new Facebook page: Caryn Esplin Photodesign. I will be offering all kinds of tips and gear deals!
I really love your web site. I’ve been looking at your work and love it. My nephew turned me onto your site and I’ve been looking at it since. I have just entered your contest for the Rogue Flashbender & Diffuser Kit. I have two Canon 580 flashes and would love to have this to add to my flashes. I would only have to purchase one if I was to win this contest. Thanks for sponsoring it and for the recommendations on other equipment.
My sister is getting married in May, and this Flashbender & diffuser would help out a lot for taking photos at the reception!
I also commented on your DSLR Gear Recommendations and shared the post on Facebook!
Congratulations on winning the contest! Thanks for participating, Andy.
I love all for the Rogue products and really need this. I am trying to start my own business and can’t afford studio lighting right now, but this would allow me to turn one of my speedlights into a studio light with softbox. The flashbender would fit into camera bag without taking up any space and allow me to do shoots on location without having to bring too much gear.
I love the Rogue flashbender products. They are so small and lightweight that it wouldn’t take up any space in my bag. I am trying to start my own photography business, but can’t afford studio lighting right now. The flashbender would allow me to use one of my speedlights and easily convert it to a studio light with softbox. this is the perfect solution for on location shooting.
Hi Sister Esplin it was so good to see your blog and also a great pleasure to like your page in facebook. I am interested in photography and always want to try something new. Until now I don’t have any experience using the artificial lights while taking pictures.So if I am lucky enough to win the above mentioned prizes than it would be a new start for me. I always wanted to learn using flash lights and diffusers but have never got any chance.
Hi – nice to meet you! I would use the flash bender/diffuser kit for portrait shooting and I will probably use it at wedding. Love expolimaging! Thanks for the offer!
I would make a real effort to learn how to use my new flashgun ,instead of being scared of it.
I picked up a Flashbender at Photoshop world and I’ve loved it so far! I love how you can shape the light wherever you want with it, even use it as a snoot. I’m curious to see what the diffuser will do as it’s always seemed to give a very even light for me without it. It’s great for carrying to shoots when you’re moving a lot. It’s also great for something like a wedding when having a large umbrella is just distracting. Just carry a speedlight with a flashbender in one hand and a camera in the other for some quick closeups with great, soft, off-camera light. Has anyone been able to use the diffuser yet? I’ve actually been curious to hear some feedback on that for a while.
I have tested it a lot, and Dustin as well. He just took some seriously sick food photos (for a cookbook) with it and the diffuser made all the difference! He was able to hold it right above the food and it was just like a softbox. We tested it against a large soft box and the images looked just the same. We also hook it on a tripod, so you don’t have to carry around a light stand. You almost always have a tripod, but not always a light stand. The diffuser is the coolest part I think. Everyone who has tried it loves using both together. I saw the pair demoed at the WPPI conference in Vegas a few weeks ago, and this pro says it is all he uses now on shoots and you should have seen his results on the spot. He always uses the diffuser. It was studio lighting quality. It is amazing for how small it is. The 20% off coupon code works until March 15, but you have to get it from the main company website:
This is the last day of the contest, everyone! Thanks for entering, and I will let you know who the winner is tomorrow. If you don’t win you can still get the 20% off by going to and using the coupon code: carynrogue2012
i would give it to my wife she has been wanting one for awhile
Hello! This was one of the first ever articles i read on light painting.. i started with a simple glass vodka bottle, and in a month iām now doing cars. Thank you for being part of the inspiration.
If not THE inspiration!