We checked out Yellowstone Bear World on Saturday and it was awesome, until we had a little mishap with one three-year old bear and our car. (I will blog that as soon as I can bring myself to talk about it.) Anyway, my Digital Imaging class has been taking shots of flora and fauna, so I thought I would join in and add some animal shots. The little bear cubs were adorable and that was about my favorite part of the exhibit. However this one yellow-bellied marmot did a nice job of posing, and this is the first time I have seen a turkey strut his tail feathers out into a fan. Usually they drag them around behind. It only lasted for a few seconds and I was lucky enough to catch it. They have three grizzlies, like the one in the top photo, and about 40 black bears, though some of them look more brown… Especially the one that attacked our car. I got a good look at all sides of him, even from underneath, through our sunroof! More on that coming soon…