I loved the way this last little blossom was clinging on for dear life, so I added a water drop with my eye-dropper and used my macro extension tubes and Nikon 1.4G 85mm prime lens. What do you think? Come on, you know you want to comment 🙂

Fallen Cherry Blossom - Water Drop - Washington D.C. - Caryn Esplin

Spent Cherry Blossom - Water Drop - Washington D.C. - Caryn Esplin
Georgeous! I love the water drop best on the second picture!!! Simply breathtaking.
You are so incredibly talented! I absolutely love looking at your blog and all the beautiful photographs and all of your gear recommendations are so helpful! You are so good at what you do!
Hi Julie, I don’t know how I missed your comment back in April, but I finally found it and approved it, so if you ever comment again, it will automatically approved! Sorry about that. How are you? Taking any photos? Take care and please keep in touch. 🙂
OKAY! These look super cool! I mean pretty… I mean… Oh I give up! I can just imagine you going around with your water drop adding those onto the flowers! Way to go!
Did I ever told you that your Washington pictures are just breathtaking! wow! and this just proves my point! amazing pictures.
I wish we could see a size comparison of just how close up this is, not enough people understand just how macro we’re talkin! Love how you have eye droppers on hand, you are a true professional
Yes, I am new to this and would like more detail on how this was done! I LOVE my macro. so please do tell!
Thanks. 🙂
Hi Kimberly,
If you have a macro lens, then that is awesome! I teach college students who often cannot afford too many different lenses, so instead I recommend they buy a set of macro extension tubes to use on their basic starter lenses. They work great for only about $60 – $70.
Tips for shooting macro flower outside:
I like to add a drop of water with a medicine eye dropper and shoot into the sun to get some interesting light. This is how I captured this shot. I used my Nikon 1.4G 85mm lens with the extension tubes.
Here is a link to the macro extension tubes for Canon lenses: http://amzn.to/xVZioE
Here is a link to the macro extension tubes for Nikon lenses: http://amzn.to/z8Nz2Q
I hope this helps! Thanks for stopping by my blog. If you want to get an email when I post something new, just “Subscribe” at the top right (side bar) of my blog page.