I just to happen on a new discovery. I had never heard of Gold Eye Gold Mine, but when visiting family in Quartzsite, Arizona, I took a drive through the desert and found this abandoned old gold mine that really intrigued me. The most notable feature was the tall, dark tower. The whole claim was situated up against a sizable mountain and it was complete with many covered mine shafts, old stone cabins, old equipment and even a “potty garden.” I made several trips back to shoot this intriguing spot. Once in the golden sunrise hour and then of course, at night, for my favorite photography technique – LIGHT PAINTING. Please enjoy the following several posts to see what a cool old place this is.
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I came across these photos on your website They are really nice, I just wanted to let you know that these claims in your photos are the Gold Eye Claims not Eagle eye as stated. I know this because I am an owner of Gold Eye 2 .
Thank you so much for your comment and I apologize for getting the name wrong. I have corrected that now, thanks to you. I am glad you like the photos and I would love to learn more about your fascinating claim. It is a wonderful tribute to the rich history of the area. I am curious about the large tower and the “flamingo still.” Was is really part of a still, or do you know? How long have you owned the claim and do you ever run any mining activities now? Also, what were all those large pillars used for? I read somewhere that the tower sits atop a 100 foot mine shaft? What did they use the tower for? Why did they haul all those toilets and sinks? Were there many living on this site at the height of its operation? I suppose there used to be other buildings and how far back to things date? Thank you for finding my site and for your comment. I am curious how you found my images? If you know of any resource where I could learn more about this area, I would love to know. I look forward to learning more and returning in early summer. Thank you!
I just visited your site and thought your photos were great of the Goldeye Mine in Quartzsite Arizona. I have several photos of the man that lived on the mine site for 63 years and we give tours for people that are interested each winter from November thru April if you are interested in learning more about the history there please feel free to read the article in the ICMJ Mining Journal magazine ( June 2013 ) issue called Spanish Ledges or get the book being printed now that will be out by January 2014 called Gold Atlas of Quartzsite Volume 2. Please contact us at (530)263-0304 for a free tour of our mine site. Thank You !
Hi Steve! Thanks for your informative comment. I am glad you like my Quartzsite images. I loved visiting and photographing the Gold Eye Gold Mine. I would like to explore more mines in that area the next time I get down that way. I probably won’t be going for about a year and a half though. My father was living there, but he moved away. So now I don’t have as much reason to visit. However, when I do get back there, I will give you a call! Thanks again for letting me know about the magazine and tours. Take care!