Join me for a COUNTDOWN of my 50 Top Summer Picsand the story behind each shot

#40 – Harvard Lamps

05.26.10 – 5:23pm – f/4.5 – 1/1500  -0.33  Canon Powershot A710 IS
Editing: Camera Raw adjustments on the jpeg: Exposure/clarity/vibrance

I took the above photo at sunset in Harvard Square, which is right outside the gate of the Harvard campus. These lamps are mark the main crosswalk that connects the Cambridge shops with campus life. We were at Harvard for our daughter’s graduation in May. She technically finished in December, when she spoke at the smaller winter commencement. The May graduation was full of historical pomp and circumstance and was a huge, fascinating, outdoor event!  For the lamp photo, I metered on the sky to expose the sunset correctly and produce the silhouette effect.