I had a great time in D.C. for Photoshop World 2012!
Here are the highlights from my trip:
Day 1: Hot day (83-degrees) at the tidal basin photographing the sunrise, monuments, cherry blossoms and people in the park. Rented a paddle boat with my daugher, Rachel, so we could see the new MLK memorial on the opposite side of the tidal basin. Attended a concert by the National Symphonic Orchestra!
Day 2-4: Attended Photoshop World with former TA, Emily Kunz. We have a blast learning all the latest from world class photographers and designers.
Day 5: Toured some of the less-visited locations around DC: National Basilica, National Franciscan Monastery, National Arboretum. We at at the most amazing restaurant: Founding Farmers! (Featured on Food Netword: only $10 – $25 a meal)
For starters, here are a few of the sunrise images I captured on Friday, March 24, which was the last day for the blossoms. They were at their peak that day, and it got up to 83 degrees! However, the following morning a big rain and wind storm took all the blossoms down. I was so happy they came two weeks early, but it was sad to see them succumb so early.

Sunrise on the Jefferson Monument from across the tidal basin amidst the cherry blossoms!

Early Morning Light on the Jefferson Memorial - Cherry Blossom Festival - Sunrise - Caryn Esplin

An artist paints the blossoms and enjoys the 83-degrees of warmth on the peak blossom day!

Branches reach out around the cherry blossoms to frame the Jefferson Memorial in the background.

Cherry Blossom Festival along the tidal basin - Washington D.C. Sunrise - Caryn Esplin

Two children have a great time playing with the blossoms on a tree branch.