Join me for a COUNTDOWN of my 50 Top Summer Pics – and the story behind each shot
#37 – Flamingo Falls
Editing: Camera Raw adjustments on the jpeg: Exposure/clarity/vibrance
After experiencing Zions Park, we drive to Las Vegas to see the Donny and Marie Show. It was absolutely amazing! They both performed a high energy act with incredible dancing and singing the entire time. Everyone there said it was one of the best Vegas shows they have seen. It is no wonder why they keep renewing their contracts. They are packing the house every single night, and Marie has lost 60 lbs and look stunning! Donny always looks fabulous, and is the same age as all of us on the trip. Anyway, we ate a great dinner buffet at the Flamingo, which is where the D&M show is playing, and afterward we wandered the grounds of this casino hotel. They had flamingos and waterfalls in a lush, tropical rainforest. I took this waterfall photo with my trusty little point-and-shoot and used the TV (time priority) mode, with a long shutter speed to blur the water and get this smooth effect. I did not take this photo of Donny and Marie, but you can find it on google, if you want to learn more about their Vegas show.