Join me for a COUNTDOWN of my 50 Top Summer Pics – and the story behind each shot
#38 – Colors of Zions Park
I fell in love with Zions National Park when I was with friends (on an annual high school reunion) in April. The colors were amazing and the variety of scenery was stunning. We parked our car in the midst of looming red rock mountains, then took a shuttle with glass all around, including a sun roof. The view was beautiful as we drove up the canyons and heard about the terrain. I was taking photos with my small point-and-shoot through the windows. At one point I looked back on the other side of the bus and saw this shot as we passed over a bridge. I snapped it quickly to get the above photo, while we were moving, through glass, but it turned out to be one of my favorites from the trip. This was a good reminder to look all around to get different viewpoints, and not to be afraid to snap quickly before a moment passes by. When we arrived at the top of the shuttle drive, where no cars were allowed in the summer months, we walked a two-mile hike, saw waterfalls and followed a river to the starting point of the Narrows.
Next time I go to Zions, I hope to hike the narrows, which is a great all-day hike through narrow canyons, where you cross the stream and swim a bit as you work your way through miles of gorgeous scenery. It can be dangerous in times of high water or flash floods, but it sounds like an awesome experience. You can even camp overnight, if you pack in your gear. Either way, you need a permit in advance. Hiking the Narrows has got to be on my bucket list!
The small photo is of our group on our hike in Zions National Park. We were all friends in high school, and since our 20th HS reunion, we take turns hosting a fun weekend reunion together each year. It is something I look forward to every year. I highly recommend it!