Caryn Esplin - Tracks: Light Painting - HDR - Camera Raw

1. All 4 images (including the light painting) in Photomatix for HDR, then white balanced in Camera Raw.

Caryn Esplin - Tracks: Light Painting and HDR

2. All 4 images (including the light painting) in Photomatix for HDR, but no Camera Raw.

Caryn Esplin:  Tracks HDR

3. Three bracketed images (without the light painting) in Photomatix for HDR


ORIGINAL IMAGES: Three bracketed shots, then a light painting added in the mix!


To get the effect in the top image I used several steps:
1. BRACKETING ORIGINALS:  I set up my camera on a tripod  at the end of the sunset. I used my bracketing feature to take three exposures:  f/9.0  shutter ranged from 1″ to 1/20 with ISO: 100.
2. LIGHT PAINTING:  When the sun was even lower, I used a large spotlight to paint light for 10 seconds on the old grainery building and tower:  f/22  10 sec. ISO: 100.
3. HDR WITH 3 and 4  IMAGES:  In shot #3, I brought the three bracketed shots into Photomatix and tried and HDR effect.  In shot #2, I used HDR with all four images.  By adding the light painting shot Photomatix was able to blend in the interesting orange lighting on the building.
4. CAMERA RAW ADJUSTMENT:  In shot #1, I took the final blended HDR image into Camera Raw to correct the white balance so it was not so blue and appeared truer to what I was seeing that night.