“Every place has its landmarks. One of Washington’s most notable and unusual landmarks is the National Capitol Columns. The stately permanence of the Corinthian columns and careful siting on a natural knoll in the Ellipse Meadow makes them seem as if they have been there for a very long time. In fact, the National Capitol Columns are one of the most recent features added to the Arboretum, little more than a decade ago. The columns began their life on the East Portico of the Capitol in 1828.” Read more here: www.usna.usda.gov
They (someone hired by Congress) moved the original US Capitol columns for us to enjoy and I loved seeing them in this natural setting. It is a reminder of how congressional politicians secure places like this for us to enjoy. Thank heaven some lawmakers have made it a priority to preserve parks, gardens and wilderness areas. It is a nice break from the rat-race-rush of DC to visit the National Arboretum with all its beautiful gardens and natural displays. I loved the Bonsai Tree display with dozens of miniature trees from all over the world. I will post some Bonsai Trees next, but for now, here are some angles of the columns one morning in late March 2012.

Original US Capitol Columns Poster - National Arboretum - Caryn Esplin

US Capitol Column Tops - National Arboretum - Caryn Esplin

US Capitol Column View - National Arboretum - Caryn Esplin

US Capitol Column Silhouette - National Arboretum - Caryn Esplin